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Cinema Studio


Typ jednotky:

Cinema Studio in Bielsko-Biala is associated with the study of Animated Film, which began its operations in 1947. In 1948 he created the first film Studio - "Was it a dream?". For the year 1950 have been implemented in Bielsko four films in black and white, of which only the third, "The wolf and bears' W. Wajsera was released as the first film studio Bielsko (in r.1950). Initially implemented in the Studio videos for adults, but the most successful films have produced equipment for children. Animated Film Studio became famous among other cartoon characters such as: in 1963 appeared on the screens and Lolek, Reksio (1967-1990).
sessions in the afternoon and evening (between the hours of: 17.00, 20.00)

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Cieszyńska 24
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
Provincie: ŚLĄSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 49.814837854855,19.020080566406
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