Warsaw 18.9 ºC
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Typ jednotky:

It is a place of many film contests, meetings with artists and special events. The cinema offers unique atmosphere. You can see the newest productions as well as let popular but valuable propositions.
Apollo Cinema is one of 12 cinemas of Cultural Institution of Dolnoslaski Region “Odra – Film”. It takes care of publicizing film culture, distribution and film making. The cinema offers dolby system.

You can see the newest productions as well as let popular but valuable propositions. It is a place of many film contests, meetings with artists and special events. The cinema offers unique atmosphere.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Armii Krajowej street 42
58-302 Wałbrzych
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.785981,16.287044
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