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HomePamátkyKultura, zábavaAqua Park in Suchy Bór

Aqua Park in Suchy Bór


Typ jednotky:

Peace, fresh air, fragrance of forest, friendly service and standard quality of the object create comfortable conditions of work, learning and leisure.
Recreation and sport facility: -summer resort with 50 meter - swimming pool, paddling pool for children, 75 meter long water slide -2 professional beach volleyball fields -track for riding "quady" -field for paintball -net of cycle paths with signs in local forests -summer gardens "under parasols" -places for bonfires

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Pawlety street 26
46-053 Suchy Bór
Provincie: OPOLSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.680475,17.938394
Fax+48 774219796
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