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HomePamátkyKultura, zábavaDoll & Actor Theatre of A.Smolik in Opole

Doll & Actor Theatre of A.Smolik in Opole


Typ jednotky:

"Opolski Teatr Lalki i Aktora im.A.Smolika" warmly invites! Over there spectators may head for the unusual journey accompanied by beautiful literature and their imagination!!!

The theatre offers such spectacles as: -Book of Jungle (Księga Dżungli) - director: J.Bielunas -Baśniowy Salonik, Idziemy po Skarb - director: I.Maciejewski -Amelka, Bóbr i Król na dachu - director: J.Malinowski -Mr Scrooge - director: M.Pecko -"Pastorałki" - director: K.Kobyłka

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Plac Kopernika street 1
45-040 Opole
Provincie: OPOLSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.680475,17.938394
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