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HomePamátkyKultura, zábavaGreen Club in Krapkowice

Green Club in Krapkowice


Typ jednotky:

Green Club in Krapkowice invites everyone for great fun. The parties are on each Fridays, Saturdays and during free days as bank holiday or Christmas.
In the pub You can order organization of occasional parties such as: christenings, birthday's , weddings, wedding anniversary's celebration and many more. There is offered professional cuisine for guests. Fully professional service try to make the guest's time be pleasent. There are 3 rooms available for guests - 2 dance room and 1 billards room. The spirits from the bar would satisfy the most demanding guests. There are also organized discos on Fridays and Saturdays and on bank holidays.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Różana street 1
47-300 Krapkowice
Provincie: OPOLSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.4642,17.9518
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