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HomePamátkyLázně a SPAFortunat Uzdrowisko Nałęczów

Fortunat Uzdrowisko Nałęczów



Počet míst: 60
Počet pokojů: 30

The Health Center Fortunat located in Nałeczów. The Center specializes in the heart disease.


The Center rimmed by own park located in zone A in Nałęczów 300 m from the SPA Park offers comfortable single and double rooms with bathroom, WC and balconies, but also TV, radio and phone. There are also canteen, rehabilitation procedures and hydrotherapy. The modern building is handicapped accessible


localization-imgMapa umístění:

Aleja Kościuszki avenue 7
24-140 Nałęczów
Provincie: LUBELSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 51.285666,22.215282
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