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HomePamátkyLázně a SPAGÓRNIK Health Resort

GÓRNIK Health Resort



Počet míst: 230
Počet pokojů: 158
Apartmány: 5

Located in the health resort of Iwonicz Zdrój in Beskid Niski in the Iwonicki Potok’s valley.

The facility has a vast accommodation base: comfortable rooms with washing facilities. Online booking is available. Café, billiards and table tennis tables at the guests’ disposal. The resort organises nordic walking hikes and excursions to Slovakia, Lvov or Bieszczady mountians. Cryogenic chamber and rehabilitation treatments are the resort’s other assets. Iwonicz abounds in thermal springs and sulphur waters, which facilitates organisation of sanatory and recreational holidays. Well-preserved spatial arrangement and a stylistically consistent complex of wooden buildings of exceptional historical value.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Rąba street 3
38-440 Iwonicz-Zdrój
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