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HomePamátkyLázně a SPAIRYS Health Resort

IRYS Health Resort



Počet míst: 123
Počet pokojů: 58

Health resort is located in the heart of the seaside district of Świnoujście, in the direct proximity of the seaside promenade and 100 from the beach.

The resort offers stays for individual guests as well as organized groups in single, double/twin or triple rooms with single or double/twin beds. Each room has a bathroom, TV set, telephone, radio and refrigerator. It has its own treatment base with a wide range of professional treatments – relaxing and wellness. There is ensured initial medical consultation. Guests can take advantage of a wide range of bus tours and ferry cruises. All tours are led by professional guides. In the summer, the area is teeming with life, offering visitors numerous cultural events and entertainment.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Żeromskiego street 2
72-600 Świnoujście
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 53.91953,14.251545
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