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HomePamátkyLázně a SPAKRYSTYNA Hospital Spa

KRYSTYNA Hospital Spa


Typ jednotky:

The hospital is a modern rehabilitation resort. The hospital has four wards, rheumatology, neurology, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and cardiology.

The hospital is a modern, comprehensive rehabilitation centre for disabled people. The hospital has four wards, rheumatology, neurology, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and cardiology. In addition, there is a four-bed Intensive Cardiology Supervision sub-ward - air-conditioned room - with round the clock nursing and physician care. At the Krystyna spa there is a natural therapy centre offering 40 types of treatment, rehabilitation pool, modern studio for music therapy and relaxation. It also has a library and a cafeteria.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Rzewsukiego 3
28-100 Busko-Zdrój
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.4560282,20.7220074
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