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HomePamátkyLázně a SPAYasumi Spa & Wellness Institute at Majewski Hotel

Yasumi Spa & Wellness Institute at Majewski Hotel


Typ jednotky:

The Hotel's offer includes the Yasumi Spa & Wellness Institute. It was established to accommodate persons who appreciating beauty, vitality and good mood. Qualified cosmetologists and massage therapists from Yasumi use the top quality products, e.g.: Palladio, Mansard and Elixea by Moor Spa as well as innovative equipment to effectively help restoring the brilliance of beauty.

The offer includes:

Figure toning,

Treatments for the face,

Treatments for the body,


Aesthetic medicine,

Pain easing treatments.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Daleka street 125
82-200 Malbork
Provincie: POMORSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 54.039055,19.057074
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