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HomePamátkyPamátkyBlessed Virgin Mary Church in Torun

Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Torun


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The slender gothic building attracts the attention by its soaring silhouette already from away. Its three little towers overlook the nearest little tenement houses.

The Gothic church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary comes from XIV century and was erected by the Franciscan order who arrived to Torun in the 1239. The Franciscans were the mendicant order with the strict rule of poverty and modesty, that's why  the church has no any big tower - the mark of splendour. Instead of it there are three smaller towers - little bells. Inside there is also a Anna Waza's tomb - the polish king's Sigismonf III Waza sister. The church interior is richly ornamented with the Middle Ages paintings, altars and epitaphs. It is warth to see yet beautiful and precious gothic choir stalls placed in chancel.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Panny Marii street 2
87-100 Toruń
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 53.0108212,18.6019645
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