Warsaw 18.9 ºC
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The delicate patterns on the lace made in Bobowa are to be admired for their beauty and finesse.

Made from the beginning of the 19th century with the aid of special “blocks” they are still sought after and highly valued, and have acquired recognition at exhibitions in Europe. Bobowa is the only place in Poland where there is still a large group of lace makers. For several years International Festivals of Lace making have been organised as well as Polish lace making competitions. In the Gallery of Lacemaking there is an exhibition of local lace. In Bobowa you can watch lacemakers at work and see the way lace is made and buy it from the artists who produce it. You can even enrol on a lace making course.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Grunwaldzka 18
38-350 Bobowa
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 49.708722,20.944611
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