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HomePamátkyMuzeaAdam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature

Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature


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In addition to Poland's largest collection of 'mickiewicziana', the Museum exhibits manuscripts and memorabilia of various writers. The Museum is housed in six Old Town houses, all being post-war reconstructions.

The Museum was founded in 1950 as the Museum of Adam Mickiewicz and Juliusz Słowacki. In 1955, it was changed to the Mickiewicz Museum, and in 1971, it finally became the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature. Particularly notable is the museum's library, which has over 110,000 volumes, and a unique collection of recordings of speeches by writers.


localization-imgMapa umístění:

Starego Miasta market 20
00-272 Warszawa
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 52.2502646,21.0123707
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