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HomePamátkyMuzeaDistrict Museum in Piła

District Museum in Piła


Typ jednotky:
- W niedziele wstęp na ekspozycje stałe muzeum jest bezpłatny.

The Museum collection includes a variety of materials regarding the city’s and region’s history, it organizes special exhibitions.

 The permanent exhibition presents the typical burghers’ house interiors from the first half of the 18th centrury to the first half of the 20th centrury. The Museum is active in publishing and is involved in the archeological research.

It is located in the building of pre-war the Consulate of the Polish Republic.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Browarna street 7
64-920 Piła
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 53.1507,16.7457
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