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HomePamátkyMuzeaDoll Museum in Pilzno

Doll Museum in Pilzno


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Doll Museum has been erected on the basis of Studio called Kasia, which has been well known for making dolls since 1981. The museum owns a large collection of dolls from all over the world, including Japan.

Doll Museum has been erected on the basis of Studio called Kasia, which has been well known for making dolls since 1981. The museum owns a large collection of dolls from all over the world, including Japan. Additionally tourists can see unique religious and household articles and find out how wooden, textile, ceramic or porcelain dolls are made. The museum co-operates with schools, kindergartens and community centers.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Grodzka street 24
39-220 Pilzno
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 49.9768,21.2917
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