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HomePamátkyMuzeaDragon's Den & Wawel dragon

Dragon's Den & Wawel dragon


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The Dragon’s Den, the legendary cave in the western slope of Wawel Hill, is surely among great curiosities of Wawel. The oldest version of a legend about the dragon of Wawel, related to the mythic beginning of Cracow.

The Dragon’s Den, a legendary cave in the western slope of Wawel Hill, is surely among great curiosities of Wawel. The oldest version of a legend about the dragon of Wawel, related to the mythic beginning of Cracow. We exit the Cave through a pointed arch portal and a vestibule. On the Vistula Boulevard visitors stand in front of a sculpture of the Wawel Dragon created by Władysław Chromy in 1972. After 1918, when Poland regained its independence, the Dragon’s Lair was prepared for visitors by prof. Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz. From 1966 to 1976 thorough preservation and conservation work was conducted, and in 2002 the interior lighting system was modernized.

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31-001 Kraków
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.054222,19.936194
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