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Batory Mountain


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kierownictwo Puszczy Białowieskiej

„Batory Mountain” is the highest hill in the Polish part of the Bialoviezha Forest (183 m above sea level). Named „Batory Mountain” in honour of the King Stefan Batory who hunted in the Bialoviezha Forest.
„Batory Mountain” is the highest hill in the Polish part of the Bialoviezha Forest (183 m above sea level). It is situated by the road Hajnouvka-Bialoviezha. Named „Batory Mountain” in honour of the King Stefan Batory who hunted in the Bialoviezha Forest. According to the legend here was pitched a hunting camp of the king. „Batory Mountain” is on the area of Vladyslav Shafer landscape reserve. On the slope there are two crosses – one commemorating the place of the battle in 1920, another with a table commemorating generals: brothers Stanislav and Joseph Bulak – Balakhovitch.

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Provincie: PODLASKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 52.696639,23.796528
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