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HomePamátkyPřírodaSt. Roch Reserve

St. Roch Reserve


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St. Roch Reserve is located in mesoregion Roztocze Środkowe. The land is shaped by uplifts and depressions, giving it a wavy character.

Forest reserve with area of 202.60 ha was established in 1983 to protect the environment of beech and fir stands. The name was taken after the place of worship - the Chapel of St. Roch. Much of the reserve is fir, reaching 46 metres in height and having up to 2 metres in circumference. There is also much addition of beech and Scots pine. The undergrowth includes protected plants: ground pines, mezereon and red elderberry. Terrain is shaped by uplifts and depressions, which give it an undulating character. Wavy terrain in different parts comes in different sizes and height differences of land reach up to 55 m.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Kazimierz Dolny
Provincie: LUBELSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.6541,23.2105
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