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HomePamátkyPřírodaZemborzycki Lake

Zemborzycki Lake


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Provincie: LUBELSKIE

This impressive artificial water reservoir was created on the Bystrzyca River in the years 1970-1974 through joint free work of the local community.

This impressive artificial water reservoir was created on the Bystrzyca River in the years 1970-1974 through joint free work of the local community. It is a perfect place for rest and relaxation offering cycle paths, outdoor swimming pools (Sunny Wrotków Resort), water ski lifts, water sports, Nordic walking, angling and other attractions. If you prefer less active ways of relaxation, take a gentle stroll around the lake or lie on the grass and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Provincie: LUBELSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 51.19124,22.53531
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