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HomePamátkyPřírodaŻółwiowe Błota Nature Reserve

Żółwiowe Błota Nature Reserve


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A wonderful part of Polesie’s virgin forest.

The Żółwiowe Błota Reserve (“Turtle’s Pond) was founded in 1988 and covers 737.41 ha. It encompasses a very rare phenomenon in the scope of Europe – a double lake: Spólne-Kosaniec Lake and Pereszpa Lake. They are the overgrowing peat bog lakes. In the Reserve there is the only breeding site in Poland of the European pond turtle; there are also beaver colonies where the animals build their lodges. On the Spólne-Kosaniec lakeside there is a lookout tower allowing for observing the wildlife. The Reserve main goal is to protect the largest haven of the European pond turtle in Poland.

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Provincie: LUBELSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 51.4775,23.637
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