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HomePamátkyDalší turistické atrakceThe Castle Hill in Drohiczyn

The Castle Hill in Drohiczyn

The early medieval town, a place of priceless archaeological excavations, an excellent vantage point of the valley of the Bug River.

At the top of the hill there is an obelisk built in 1928 to commemorate regaining the independence by Poland.

The Castle Hill and the surrounding of Drohiczyn are known for many valuable archaeological findings, which can be observed in the collection of the Regional Museum in Drohiczyn. The views from the Castle Hill could be seen, among others in the film “Nad Niemnem”.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

17-312 Drohiczyn
Provincie: PODLASKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 52.39425,22.657389
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