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HomePamátkyDalší turistické atrakceTHE CAVALIER OF BASTION VI


A valuable and very rare in Poland monument of the military architecture from Napoleon’s times.

It was built in 1825-1830 and it is very interesting not only due to a large lump, but also as a valuable and rare example of the Napoleon's military architecture. Built on a neck of the bastion created a new defense node of Zamosc Fortress. It also served as the barracks.

Dimensions: length. 105 m, width 36 m and height 13m.

Nowadays it is rather difficult to access since currently there is a school in the building.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Łukasińskiego street 8
22-400 Zamość
Provincie: LUBELSKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 50.7169,23.2539
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