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HomePamátkyDalší turistické atrakceThe Dutch Mill in Dolistowo Stare

The Dutch Mill in Dolistowo Stare

It is situated at the end of village and it's standing there for 140 years.

The Duch Mill in Dolistowo Stare is own of Kolendra family. It was built by foreman from the Eastern Prussia. The mill was made by order of Jew from Suchowola. Until the present day the floor is jojned by wooden nails. The building was covered by shingle which survived hundred years. Nowday the windmill has a new roof covered by the shingle to.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Słowackiego street 5A
Dolistowo Stare
Provincie: PODLASKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 53.5489,22.9044
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