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HomePamátkySportDwie Doliny Muszyna - Wierchomla

Dwie Doliny Muszyna - Wierchomla


Typ jednotky:

The station is at the forefront of the best Polish ski stations. Diverse routes, wide slopes and good infrastructure. For the first in Poland two places - Wierchomla and Muszyna-Szczawnik - were joined into one ski resort.

Wierchomla offers a wide variety of ski slopes. There are 10 ski lifts: two chair lifts and and 8 ski lifts. The  station has a total capacity of 14 thousand people per hour.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Wierchomla Mała 42
33-350 Wierchomla Mała
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 49.4303,20.8284
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