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HomePamátkySportGromadzynSki Lift

GromadzynSki Lift


Typ jednotky:
- Cena obejmuje cały dzień

The Ski Lift in Ustrzyki Dolne has two T-bar lifts 700 meters long. Single lift- 300 meters and small lift- 200 neters long.
The ski lifts are illuminated, snow-capped with artificial snow. There is rental sport equipment and "X-Scream" ski school.
The ski slopes are secured with rescurer of GOPR and PCK.
There are three ski runs:
I- 750 meters long "FIS"-certification of approval.
II- 800 meters long
III- 900 meters long.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Naftowa / Kolejowa
Ustrzyki Dolne
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 49.4303,22.5942
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