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HomePamátkySportLaworta Ski Lift

Laworta Ski Lift


Typ jednotky:
- opłata za cały dzień.

"Laworta" Ski Lift is the biggest and the only Chairlift in Bieszczady mountains. The main ski run has "FIS" certification of approval.

The Sky Lift is illuminated and snow-capped with artificial snow and rental sport equipment.
There are threes ski lifts : chairllift- 1300 meters long, capacity- 1200 persons per hour, T-bar lift- 1250 meters, capacity- 1100 persons per hour, and T-bar lift for beginners- 300 meters with capacity- 350 persons per hour.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Naftowa / Kolejowa
Ustrzyki Dolne
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 49.4303,22.5942
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